Drew Halvorson

Drew Halvorson

Drew Halvorson

Hi my name is Drew. I’m currently a RS Senior at UC Santa Barbara. I’m majoring in Sociology with a Minor in Education. I want to get into teaching after graduating. I am also a D1 athlete and play on the Women’s Water Polo team here. I’ve been playing Water Polo since I was 8 y...ears old, competed on Team USA for the Development and Cadet National Team as well as a High School All-American while attending California High School in San Ramon. Choosing a college can be tough and there are lots of things to consider. From social life to academics to student support and the environment are all things to keep in mind. College can be scary, emotional and challenging, especially moving away and starting to live on your own. UCSB has so much to offer and so many student services available that you can be a part of. There’s a club out there for just about any area of interest you have, there’s Greek life and if you play sports there’s great resources for that as well. And who doesn’t love the views of the ocean and studying on the beach. That’s why they call UCSB a slice of paradise. I’m happy to talk to you and answer any questions you may have regarding UCSB and what it’s like to be a D1 athlete. Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything UCSB from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation, deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min