Alex Lonati

Alex Lonati

Alex Lonati

Alex Lonati is a Boston-based director, producer, and arts administrator. She currently serves as the Community & Artistic Progra Manager at SpeakEasy Stage Company, a regional theatre in Boston that produces local premieres of theatrical work, with a focus on creating and facil...itating thoughtful conversation. She is also the President of the Board for the Theatre Community Benevolent Fund, an organization that provides emergency funding to artists in need. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Studies (Directing and Arts Management) from Emerson College, where she spent four years hosting Standing Room Only, the Best of Broadway and Beyond, on 88.9 WERS - Emerson's award-winning radio station! She also holds a Masters of Science in Arts Administration from Boston University. With experience in casting, literary management, directing, community engagement, producing, grant writing, development, and more, Lonati is a great resource for those looking to build a career in the arts. Show more


Live Video Chat

Interested in a career in the arts, but don't know where to start? I'm happy to walk you through all aspects of the theatre industry and help you figure out which paths interest you most. Ask me anything!

/ 30 min