Weston Wittek

Weston Wittek

Weston Wittek

Hi, I’m Weston! I am currently a senior at Belmont University majoring in Commercial Music and my instrument is guitar. I have had the pleasure of being a member of various guitar ensembles as well as choirs within the School of Music, performing in the annual PBS-broadcasted pr...oduction “Christmas at Belmont.” Being surrounded by like-minded students and extremely encouraging faculty members has allowed me to hone my skills and grow as a musician and student overall. While music is a strong part of Belmont’s reputation, there are many other fields of study including a brand new School of Medicine. The diversity among Belmont students is one reason I chose to attend. I am also a member of the golf and hiking clubs at Belmont which has been a fun way to keep my hobbies in tact and meet more people! Because Belmont is in the heart of a lively and rapidly-expanding Nashville, entertainment and opportunity are just around the corner! My transition to Belmont was made comfortable by the support, care, and enthusiasm of current students during visits and orientation. I would hope to do the same for you! There can be pressure in finding the perfect school to attend so please ask me questions, anything goes! Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything Belmont University from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation, deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min