Taylor Jackson

Taylor Jackson

Taylor Jackson

I am a senior at the University of St. Thomas who is studying Public Health and Psychology. St. Thomas has provided me with many opportunities including my summer internship in Manhattan working within the Justice Reform field. I am a well rounded student and have experienced a ...lot on campus! I am offering a view into my life and my experiences at St. Thomas. Throughout my time at St. Thomas I have played on the tennis team, studied abroad in two different countries, lead the public health club, played intramural sports, navigated grants and scholarships, lived on and off campus, and met my best friends! St. Thomas has offered me pristine education and professors that have allowed me to see the world from a different perspective along with fostering my professional development. Show more


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A complete 360 view of everything St.Thomas from accepting & deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min