Shariah Davis

Shariah Davis

Shariah Davis

Hello! I am currently a sophomore at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill. My current major is psychology and I hope to transfer to a UC or CSU to continue my studies and receive my bachelors degree. I am also interested in fine arts programs, at DVC I performed and participat...ed in the repertory production and modern dance class. I also plan to receive my masters degree in performing arts and my bachelors in African American studies as well. Within this journey of navigating undergrad and transfer certifications,  choosing a future career, and understanding my identity, I’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons and I’m eager to assist others in their own paths! Show more


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A complete 360º view of everything DVC from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min