Seena Fakhimalizad

Seena Fakhimalizad

Seena Fakhimalizad

I graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and a minor in Global Studies, and I am now a 1L student at the University of Virginia School of Law. As an undergraduate at UCLA, I was highly involved in a variety of student organizations and extracurricular, including serving as President of the Iranian Student Group, Treasurer of the Middle Eastern Student Association, a Resident Assistant and Lead Resident Assistant for UCLA Housing, a Research Assistant for the Center for Middle East Development, and a volunteer for a variety of philanthropic organizations. Not only can I provide key insights on how to successfully balance your work and social life while attending a rigorous university and effectively networking with peers and professionals, but I also have considerable experience with the financial aid process, housing process, and smart course planning/major selection. I am here to help answer any questions you may have! Show more


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A complete 360º view of everything UVA or UCLA from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min