Ryan Ackerman

Ryan Ackerman

Ryan Ackerman

I am a sophomore journalism student at the University of Oklahoma. I chose OU because of the great academics (OU has the top journalism program in the state) and the many ways that you can get involved on campus. I am a member of Alpha Phi, a sorority here on campus, and can exp...lain everything Greek life, from rushing, to living in the house, to payment options. Sports are huge part of the social life here at OU, and it’s so fun to go to a football game or basketball game to cheer on the Sooners! College can be so much to balance at once, between classes, work, living on your own for the first time, and making new friends, and the University of Oklahoma is a great place to do it! I can help you pick the right university for you, and give you all the reasons why the University of Oklahoma was perfect fit for me! *Please note that I am not a representative of the University of Oklahoma and I am acting under my own behalf for these interactions. Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything OU from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min