Nygal Russell

Nygal Russell

Nygal Russell

From Houston, Texas, Nygal Russell is a 6-foot-4, 205 pound guard for the Southeast Missouri State Redhawks in the Ohio Valley Conference. Throughout his 3 years so far with the RedHawks, Nygal has earned a total of 54 assists, 26 steals, 135 rebounds, and a total of 221 points.... Coming into his 4th year with the RedHawks, Nygal and his team look to dominate in the Ohio Valley Conference. Come book a live one-to-one with Nygal to have a a real conversation and learn more about his career as a basketball player. Show more


5-Min Live Chat

Let’s talk about playing basketball for the Southeast Missouri State RedHawks!

/ 5 min

30-Min Live Chat

You never understand what something is like until you go through it, but it always helps to talk to someone who went through the process! I’d be more than happy to answer any questions about the recruiting process with giving a brief explanation of what college coaches are thinking!

/ 30 min

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