Mariane Mousa

Mariane Mousa

Mariane Mousa

Hi! I am a senior at Stanford University studying Biomedical Computation. After graduation, I am planning on moving to Boston to work as a software engineer at Benchling, which is a biotech company. During my undergraduate career, I have served as president of Stanford Women in ...Medicine and the Stanford chapter of QuestBridge. The former club involves developing a community, planning events, and coordinating networking opportunities for a club with over 150 women. My involvement with QuestBridge focuses on supporting low-income and/or first generation college students apply to college and navigate the transition to college. I am also a teaching assistant for Human Physiology and involved in research. My research focuses on neurodegenerative diseases, where I completed computational work to support my lab mentor. I am happy to further discuss my journey applying to colleges, choosing Stanford (over Harvard and Yale), being a student at Stanford, and applying to jobs in technology. Show more


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A complete 360ΒΊ view of everything Stanford from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min