Marcus Wells

Marcus Wells

Marcus Wells

Hi there! My name’s Marcus, and I study History at St Peter’s College, Oxford. I came to Oxford from a state comprehensive in Hampshire, in south-east England, having studied History, Latin and Maths at A-Level. I thought, and still think, that History provides valuable insights... on today’s world, by studying both its origins and useful comparators. I chose Oxford because it has one of the largest and most research-active History departments in the world, and because its intensive, small-group method of teaching (the tutorial system) provides unrivalled and exhilarating learning opportunities. Its course gives students a broad grounding in historical skills and different periods, whilst allowing students to specialise: I work mostly on medieval and early modern European History. When I’m not studying, I’m a keen ensemble singer in two groups, taking advantage of the wide-ranging and high-standard music scene in Oxford. Developing my passion for music as well as History at university encouraged me to write my dissertation on sixteenth-century English music, combining these two interests. I’ve found Oxford to be a wonderful place, academically, musically and socially: I hope that it might be right for you, and can’t wait to discuss more about it with potential applicants. Show more


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A complete 360º view of everything Oxford from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation, deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

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