Lauryn Peppers

Lauryn Peppers

Lauryn Peppers

Greetings! I am Lauryn Peppers, a 2nd year pre-physical therapy major from Atlanta Georgia. I am proud to say I attend the illustrious Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University on the highest of 7 hills, located in Tallahassee, Florida. I got the opportunity to visit campus... the summer of 2021 and was very impressed by the beautiful upgrades being done. FAMU is definitely one of the most respected HBCU’s because of all they do for their students and their education. Being the first group of students to return to college after new COVID regulations has had its ups and downs, but FAMU has done a great job of keeping students safe and engaged! FAMU is definitely the experience I was looking for in college. I’ve learned so much about school history and it has helped me and my peers learn more about ourselves and what they are capable of. Overall, it makes us appreciate the university even more. FAMU does a great job helping us become a huge impact to the world while still in college. FAMU offers so many organizations that will help you make great connections you can use in the future. I played softball for the majority of my life, so getting a scholarship to play was my dream. I really value hard work and FAMU ensures I’m continuing to work as hard as I can to keep improving, on and off the field. Choosing a school can be really stressful, especially during global outbreaks and learning the high school to college transition process, so feel free to ask me any questions. I hope to see you on the hill! Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything FAMU from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min