Lauren Girard

Lauren Girard

Lauren Girard

Hi! My name is Lauren and I’m a May 2021 graduate of the Stiller School of Business at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont. I majored in International Business and minored in Data Science and Digital Marketing. Throughout my time at Champlain, I worked 3 on-campus jobs, had... 3 internships, and held 2 leadership positions. I was fortunate enough to take part in Champlain’s Abroad program and I studied in China, Ireland, and New Zealand. I’m excited to share my journey at Champlain with you. As a high school student, I toured 15+ colleges and I’m confident I made the right choice choosing Champlain. From the vast international opportunities to living in a lively college town, and finally graduating with a job lined up during a pandemic, I have lots of tips, tricks, and stories to share with you! Show more