Lainey Rothschild

Lainey Rothschild

Lainey Rothschild

Lainey Rothschild is a sophomore design student at the University of Southern California. Originally from New York, she is on track to receive her Bachelors in Fine Arts (BFA) through the #1 Design program in the country, the Roski School of Art and Design. Additionally, she is ...a dual minor in Designing for Experiences and Computer Programming. Lainey is currently designing album covers and other branding graphics through CAD Music Management, as well as interning for Red Light Music this Summer. She is on the USC Figure Skating Team and a member of the USC sorority Alpha Phi. Lainey absolutely loves USC, the beach, going out with friends, art, ice skating, working out, Greek life, working as a waitress at Joey DTLA, interning with a record label, and the work hard/play hard mentality. Lainey is extremely personable and easy going, and would love to connect to prospective students! Portfolio: Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360ΒΊ view of everything USC from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min