Kaylee Mitchell

Kaylee Mitchell

Kaylee Mitchell

Hi everyone! My name is Kaylee Mitchell and I’m a 4th year student at Oregon State University. I’m majoring in dietetics and minoring in exercise physiology with a goal of becoming a registered dietitian post college. I was lucky enough to begin college before the COVID-19 pande...mic, but I can imagine that trying to find a college during this time would be extra stressful. OSU has done a great job during the pandemic of providing opportunities for students to connect with each other and receive any academic or mental health help along the way. For those who are interested in sports, I also run track and cross country for OSU. The athletic department has shown me and the other athletes nothing but support during this time and have still helped me to achieve my athletic goals. Feel free to ask me any questions, I’d love to be of help in any way that I can! *Please note that I am not a representative of Oregon State University and I am acting under my own behalf for these interactions. Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything Oregon State from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min