Karla Manzanares

Karla Manzanares

Karla Manzanares

Hey! I am currently a senior at Stanford University in the School of Engineering. My major is bioengineering, but have taken courses in many other departments such as anthropology, computer science, and Iberian and Latin American Cultures. Passionate about S&R health issues, I a...m a research assistant in the Kuo lab at Stanford School of Medicine, where I help investigate the initiation and progression endometrial cancers using an organic model. I am also heavily involved in many of the organizations on campus. I volunteer with Stanford’s Cardinal Free Clinics as a Spanish interpreter and I serve as director of their Immersion in Community Program for high school students. I serve as the professional director of Stanford’s Society of Latinx Engineers. I am also Vice President of Member Experience for Delta Delta Delta one of Stanford’s sororities. I also identify as a Latina, first-generation low-income, mixed immigration status family. Feel free to ask me questions about my involvement in any of these topics or about Stanford in general! Looking forward to chatting! Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything Stanford from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation, deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min