James Huston

James Huston

James Huston

Hi! I’m currently a junior at University of California Irvine majoring in Business Economics with a minor in Literary Journalism. I started my freshman year in the midst of Covid-19, however, I was fortunate enough to live on campus all 3 years. While Covid-19 has had its ups an...d downs I used it to my advantage to get involved in extracurriculars early in my college experience. With a huge passion for sports, I found a club called sports business association with people who shared my same passion. I started out as a regular member then joined the board towards the end of my freshman year in the marketing department and was just recently elevated to a Co-President position within the club. I also began as an intern for New University, the school’s official campus newspaper. I started working in the news section then eventually switched to sports where I enjoyed covering many UCI sporting events for the paper and getting to interview players and coaches after the games. Finally, I joined asuci as an athletics intern my freshman year and continued on until my sophomore year. I recently left asuci to pursue an internship within UCI Athletics in the sports marketing department. A few fun facts about me, I played basketball in high school, I’m originally from Arizona so an out of state student, I love to go to sporting events/concerts and work out a lot. The biggest advice I can give is to get involved as much as you can in college whether that’s clubs, fraternities/sororities, study groups, or attending any events where you can meet and interact with new people. Note that this is just my experience and I am in no way acting as a representative of University of California, Irvine so I can only answer questions based on my experience going to school here. Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything Irvine from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min