Hunter Perkins

Hunter Perkins

Hunter Perkins

Hello. I’m currently a junior at Chico State majoring in Business Management. My plan is to find a job in the software sales industry after graduation. Chico has prepared me well for this next chapter. I have great ties to the Chico area because my grandparents live in the area ...and my two siblings graduated from Chico State. It truly is my home away from home. Even so, college at Chico started a bit unusually. My first year, we were evacuated from campus due to the tragic fires in the city of Paradise. We also experienced serious flooding that came into the dorms on campus. Then of course, COVID-19 hit and all of my classes became remote. Fires, Flood and Flu, what a college experience! On-line learning has been a new experience but I was able to adjust and now Chico is transitioning to more in person classes. I joined a fraternity during all of this, which gave me the opportunity to meet people and stay connected. I look forward to my last semesters to continue learning, connecting, and preparing for my future. Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything Chico from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min