Grace Cassar

Grace Cassar

Grace Cassar

Hello! I am currently a sophomore at the University of San Diego in the Knauss School of Business. I am double majoring in Finance and Real Estate and possibly minoring in either accounting or Spanish. I have throughly enjoyed my time at USD so far, as they have offered me so ma...ny resources that give me the opportunity to get involved and take a deep dive into my interests. I have been able to join the women in business club, Finance Society, Real Estate Society, and the Gamma Phi Beta sorority while being here at USD. These groups have given me a solid community at USD where I feel free to be myself. Outside of these groups, I have also found friends through classes as well as have made some of my best friends through the random roommate placing freshman year. Although this was scary to me at first, it was a great way to meet other people outside of my major and meet students who were also looking to make new friendships. This year I am embracing all of the resources and career development opportunities that the school offers and diving deeper into exploring future career possibilities. Choosing a school that is the right fit can be really difficult, so feel free to ask me any questions. Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360 view of everything USD from accepting & deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min