Evan Pallis

Evan Pallis

Evan Pallis

Hi, y’all! I am currently a sophomore undergraduate at Pepperdine University Seaver College. My major is Middle East/North African Studies with a Pre-Med track (yes, making your own major is possible!) Before deciding on Pepperdine, I visited dozens of colleges, but coming from... cold Northeast, I was drawn to the warm California coast. During my application process, it was important to me that my future school had international programs; this summer I plan to study abroad in Fiji, serving at a small medical clinic. Small student populations are great for creating smaller class sizes, but it can be difficult to create an engaging community. Thankfully my school has a very active programming board, which hosts fun events like our annual film festival! Weeding through the list of colleges is be daunting, I know, but after four years of searching I learned what to look for to find a good college fit, so please reach out with any questions you might have! Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything Pepperdine from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min