Evan Knight

Evan Knight

Evan Knight

I am a junior Communication Studies major at The University of Alabama. I am a second generation college student that saw all that UA offered my dad and decided to followed in his footsteps. I have expertise on all things from finding a roommate freshman year to preparing your r...esume for the next stage of life. I have held leadership positions in multiple non profit organizations as well as been a staff member in on campus jobs. I look forward to meeting you and sharing a little bit of what Alabama has to offer! *Please note that I am not a representative of University of Alabama and I am acting under my own behalf for these interactions. Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360ΒΊ view of everything University of Alabama from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min