Emilia Zolesio

Emilia Zolesio

Emilia Zolesio

Hi! I’m Emilia Zolesio and I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I have been playing soccer since I was three years old and I’m currently playing soccer at Columbia College in Columbia, Missouri. Now I'm 20 years old and I am a Sophomore in school. I am majoring in Sports Managemen...t and I've been living in Columbia for almost two years now and I have really enjoyed it so far. The thing I like the most about being here is being able to study and practice the sport I love. I look forward to sharing my experience in this country with you! Show more


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A complete 360º view of everything Columbia College from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min