Elizabeth Yu

Elizabeth Yu

Elizabeth Yu

Hi! I am currently a freshman majoring in Business Administration at Georgia Tech’s Scheller College of Business. Before college, I played volleyball for my high school and club, and I have continued this passion through Tech’s intramural programs. Outside of athletics, I also v...olunteer and fundraise for CHOA’s Miracle Network and am part of a sorority on campus - Phi Mu. I am also part of a freshman community called Global Leadership - that focuses on the UN’s sustainable development goals and am part of a consulting club called Consult Your Community. At Georgia Tech I have found community and a plethora of mental health and career resources. Throughout the application process, I never knew where I wanted to go. With VIDSIG, I wanted to make myself accessible to others for any questions or concerns to help make the application process more transparent and less stressful. Feel free to reach out as I am participating on my own behalf and not as a representative of Georgia Tech. Show more


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A complete 360º view of everything Georgia Tech from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation, deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min