Divya Sasidhar

Divya Sasidhar

Divya Sasidhar

I am a senior at New York University majoring in Politics with a minor in Psychology. After successfully navigating the college process myself, I’m excited to use the knowledge I’ve gained to help others do the same! Having studied abroad at NYU’s Florence campus, I can provide ...firsthand information about our study-abroad program and global campuses. I’m also here to help with the everyday stuff, like picking a dorm, applying for internships, or figuring out what meal plan works best for you. Attending NYU has been an incredible experience, and after I complete my Bachelor’s degree this semester, I’ll be starting graduate school here in the fall. If graduate school interests you, I’ll answer all your questions about why I chose that path. Picking a college is one of the most important decisions you can make as a young adult, and I’m here to help you choose the right fit! *Please note that I am not a representative of New York University and am acting on my own behalf. Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything NYU from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min