Declan McManus

Declan McManus

Declan McManus

Hey! I’m Declan and I’m a junior at Vanderbilt. I’m pursuing a double major in Human & Organizational Development and Public Policy and a minor in business. When I’m not in class, I’m involved in my fraternity, hold a leadership position in my dorm, and have an internship with a... sports agency. I fill my free time with good friends, good exercise, and good books. In high school, I played baseball, did debate, and volunteered with HOBY, among many other pursuits. I’ll be honest- it was stressful for me. I have some amazing memories and friends from those four years, but I also learned a bunch of lessons about how to handle intense pressure, how to balance ambitious goals with healthy habits, and how to cultivate positive mental frameworks. I learned so much from the college process and I want to share that, plus my experiences at Vanderbilt, with you! Thanks for your interest and I hope to connect soon. Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything Vanderbilt- applying, deciding to attend, what my life on campus is like, and anything else about Vandy you might want to know! Nothing is out of bounds. We can also talk about applying to college in general- anything from building a list and writing essays to deciding between schools and managing stress.

/ 10 min