Claire Ergood

Claire Ergood

Claire Ergood

Hi! I am a rising Senior at Temple University, majoring in Political Science and English. When I came to Temple my goal was to experience everything the school and city had to offer. In my time here I rushed and joined my sorority, Delta Zeta, where I held an executive board p...osition, was elected to Temple Student Government for two years, and have been involved in many different other orgs on campus and in the city. Academically, this past summer I was fortunate to participate in the Harrisburg semester where I got to intern (remotely) in the capitol and be fully immersed in PA politics. I have also been lucky enough to meet life-long friends who are also involved in everything from business organizations to campus rep programs. Philly is an amazing city full of things to do, and Temple is a great place to experience it all! I would be so excited to talk to you about anything regarding Temple and think I’d be able to answer just about any question you may have! Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything Temple from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min