Chloe Petitpas

Chloe Petitpas

Chloe Petitpas

Hey! My name is Chloe and I am going into my second year at Oregon State University. I am currently majoring in computer science with a business minor. That said, I have experienced classes and professors within the college of business as well as the college of engineering. In first year of college, I experienced working on campus, being involved in club sports, participating in Greek life activities, and attending sporting events on campus. I have yet to join any specific clubs or sororities, but I’ve been able to experience pieces of many different activities, which has been incredibly amazing! Each day on campus brings new experiences and opportunities to connect with new and interesting people. It has been thrilling to see the pride and excitement that comes with being an Oregon State Beaver! Please feel free to ask me about my decision to attend Oregon State as well as the experiences I have had since enrolling last fall! Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything Oregon State from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min