Charlie Schlatter

Charlie Schlatter

Charlie Schlatter

You may know Charlie Schlatter as Kick Buttowski, but his career has extended far beyond that Nickelodeon favorite. Charlie starred in 1988's Heartbreak Hotel (directed by Chris Columbus) and starred in his most highly acclaimed role in the 1988 comedy 18 Again!. He has also sta...rred in Australian romance film The Delinquents (1989) opposite Kylie Minogue and was cast in the role of Ferris Bueller for NBC's sitcom Ferris Bueller alongside Jennifer Aniston, based on the John Hughes film Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Charlie's living with chronic myeloid leukemia, which is a cancer of the blood. Charlie had originally gone to his doctor thinking he had a spider bite, and before he knew it, he was sent to a specialist, and his white blood count was off the charts. Connect live with Charlie to understand his battles and his career, and get motivated in the process. Show more


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Let's chat about acting, voice animation and more!

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Live Video Chat!

Let's have a personal chat about living with Leukemia, life during and after!

/ 15 min

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