Charlie Adams

Charlie Adams

Charlie Adams

Hey! My name is Charlie Adams and I am a freshman at Santa Clara University. I am the business school and am leaning towards finance but am undeclared as of now. I am originally from the Bay Area and am happy to answer any questions about going to school close to home. In high, I played soccer, baseball, and golf and am now playing intramural sports. I plan on rushing a fraternity next year and am knowledgeable about Greek life on campus. I have also spent many weekends exploring around Santa Clara and would love to talk about what the area has to offer. Going to school during COVID has not been perfect, but Santa Clara has done a good job of making things feel as normal as possible. I understand how challenging it can be to choose what college you want to attend and I hope my insight can help you gain a better understanding of what Santa Clara has to offer! Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360ΒΊ view of everything Santa Clara University from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation, deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min