Charles Cockerham

Charles Cockerham

Charles Cockerham

I’m a Sophomore Business Administration major with a Finance concentration and Computer Science minor at Morehouse College. I am from New Jersey so the move to Atlanta was certainly a big transition. However I’m so pleased with my decision to go to Morehouse College, as I’ve enj...oyed every moment of learning, self improvement, & making new connections. There is so much that Morehouse has to offer in regards to classes, extracurriculars, network expansion, and career planning/trajectory. It would be my pleasure to inform you on all the great things Morehuse has to offer and how my personal experience has been. I am currently a tutor and mentor for a group called First Generation Investors. I know how to best locate and seize scholarships, I take part in MBA events around campus and have gained countless experiences through many fellowships, internships, and programs. I’ll be getting involved in intramural sports this year and community service! I’m excited to help answer any questions! Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360 view of everything Morehouse from accepting & deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min