Calvin McDaniel

Calvin McDaniel

Calvin McDaniel

I am a junior Business Administration student concentrating in Financial Management with a minor in Statistics at Cal Poly SLO. With a few other colleges in mind, I was really drawn to Cal Poly’s ‘learn by doing’ motto and have not looked back since. I am excited to show you a f...ull experience ranging from deciding dorm room communities, declaring majors and concentrations, to slept on resources offered by the school. During my time here at Cal Poly, I have joined various clubs, organizations, philanthropies, and Greek Life. I have taken advantage of various resources offered by the school, including an upcoming study abroad opportunity in Madrid, Spain. Being from Washington, I did not know many people coming to school here and it was very intimidating. This ended up being the biggest upside I had in choosing a school as I had to step out of my comfort zone and fully invert myself into the community here. I know how hard that step can be and I am here to help make that process as smooth as possible! I understand how hard choosing the right school is and I am available to help you make one of the greatest decisions you’ll ever make! Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything Cal Poly from accepting, deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min