Bailey Clark

Bailey Clark

Bailey Clark

Hey everyone! My name is Bailey and I’m a Sophomore at Brown University. I just declared my Health and Human Biology Major, and decided on a theme and Brain behavior and Development, so if you have any questions about science classes at Brown I’m your girl! Even though the pande...mic/ online classes have presented challenges in adjusting to the college lifestyle, I have managed to make some amazing friends through clubs and sports. I was a three sport athlete in high school, and now participate on the Club Lacrosse team, so I can give advice on the club and intramural sports here at Brown! My 3 suite mates are also all on the Women’s Crew Team, so I have some good insight on life as a collegiate athlete as well! I am on SSW Brown (scientists for a sustainable world), which has introduced me to some spectacular people and gotten me involved in some incredible projects on campus. I look forward to meeting you and hope I can help you on your college admissions journey! Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything Brown University from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation, deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min