Annika Beach

Annika Beach

Annika Beach

Hi! my name is Annika and I am a first year Industrial Engineering student at Georgia Tech, but I am originally from Austin, TX. When I was looking at college I had no idea what I wanted so I applied to 16 colleges. I bounced between different schools that I thought were perfect... and then I visited Georgia Tech and fell in love. The school is hard but it has so many resources for its students and everyone supports each other, making the workload very manageable and still have time to join extracurriculars. I came here knowing no one so I joined as many clubs as I could, and am now in a sorority, in Student Alumni Association, Women in Engineering, and Miracle@GT. I have met so many amazing friends and mentors through these programs and I can’t recommend them or the school enough. I know applying to and choosing a college can be so stressful so feel free to ask anything and i’d love to help however I can! *Please note I am not a representative of Georgia Tech and I am acting on my own behalf for these interactions. Show more


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A complete 360º view of everything Georgia Tech from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation, deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min