Angelo Fallago

Angelo Fallago

Angelo Fallago

What’s up everybody, I am currently a fourth year at UC Merced. I am majoring Management and Business Economics. I am from Victorville, which is located in Socal and Going to UC Merced which is five hours away from home during COVID was definitely an experience since I went remote my first year and in person for two years. I didn’t end up getting the true college experience until my second year. I have joined two cultural based clubs which was the Pilipinx American Alliance and La familia. I also completed many projects based off my major and GE classes. I like to stay active, so I did intramural sports and I played flag football and basketball. Based on my experiences, I feel that I have a good amount of knowledge and decent track record of being active. I understand that choosing the perfect school for you is stressful, but hopefully I will answer to the best of my knowledge for your questions about UC Merced. *Please note that that I am not a representative of UC Merced. Show more


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A complete 360º view of everything UC Merced from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min