Angelana De Tate

Angelana De Tate

Angelana De Tate

Hi, I’m Angelana! I am currently a freshman and soon to be sophomore at Cal Poly, SLO. In terms of my major, I am a Software Engineering undergraduate, who loves to use, learn, and teach others all about the field of computers and their functionality. Attending college is not an... easy transition from high school, but like I have, you will too begin to enjoy it as time progresses, and I am here to make your understanding of college life as simple and easy as possible. There are many clubs and events to attend at Cal Poly, SLO, and although you may not jump into those right away, Cal Poly, SLO, ensures that they are a campus providing safety, comfortability, and security. It is a college who greatly supports and values mental health, diversity and inclusion, and many other factors in our lives that are a part of us and who we want to be while starting our lives and careers. Please note that we have many resources for students and that Cal Poly, SLO, will do everything in your favor to encourage and offer the correct support you need, especially in your first year of college here. First year students have a direct and special advising office called the Mustang Success Center (MSC) which will prepare you and your academics for the rest of your time here at Cal Poly, SLO, in order to maintain your own schedules and college management. I want to provide you an idealistic perspective of what the college transition is like. If you have any questions or want to learn more about Cal Poly, SLO, I would love to talk about and answer any of your needs. Show more


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A complete 360º view of everything Cal Poly from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation, deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min