Andre Fisher

Andre Fisher

Andre Fisher

I am a senior Mechanical Engineer at California Polytechnic University in San Luis Obispo. Being the only Mechanical Engineer in my immediate family, I did not know what to expect when I first arrived at Cal Poly, but through three years of hard work towards my degree I have obt...ained an accurate vision of what it takes to succeed both socially and academically. I am offering a glimpse into my life as an engineer aspiring to maximize my college experience by excelling in academics and cultivating a social network to make Cal Poly the home I never dreamed possible. I am currently interning at Simms Machinery International, am a member of greek life and before Covid-19, I was involved in the Cal Poly Climbing Club, Cal Poly Triathlon Club, and Week of Welcome (Cal Poly’s really fun and unique orientation program). On top of the organizations I am involved in, I enjoy spending my free time exploring what San Luis Obispo has to offer by mountain biking, surfing, running, and climbing. Throughout my time here, I have failed and been rejected and understand how these experiences have led to my accomplishments and molded me into the person I am today. Whether you have questions about which dorm to live in your first year or how Cal Poly aids and promotes its students to find a career, it is my goal to navigate you through the difficult decision making process one faces when applying and choosing which university to spend the next four years of their life at. Show more