Addison Stevenson

Addison Stevenson

Addison Stevenson

Hi! I am currently a freshman at Louisiana State University. I run cross country and track and field, and enjoy every single day of practice here at LSU. I am majoring in sports administration. I absolutely love all of the coaches and professors here at LSU and feel like I have ...been given all the resources here to thrive in my sport and in my career. Every coach, athlete, student, and proffersor I have encountered here at LSU has had so much personality which has kept me quite entertained. I can know for a fact that LSU is the perfect match for me and I am so happy here! However, I know choosing a school can be a very, hard, time consuming, and stressful choice. In fact, I’m actually a transfer student. I started at another University at the beginning of this school year and had a completely different experience, so I know just how important finding the right fit is! I would love to help you navigate this difficult task so feel free to ask me any questions! Show more


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A complete 360º view of everything LSU or Ole Miss from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation, deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min