Aaron De La Torre

Aaron De La Torre

Aaron De La Torre

Hey! My name is Aaron De La Torre, and I am currently enrolled at the University of California Merced. My major is Business Management and Business Economics with the hopes of becoming a successful businessman and real estate broker. During my time at high school, the idea of go...ing to college was constantly thrown at us since freshman year. It was very overwhelming since I didn’t have any information about how college worked and what to do. But once I came to UC Merced, everything became so much clearer, as the staff and student advisors were very helpful to first year students that have no experience with how college works. When I was in high school, I liked to play video games occasionally in my free time and play intramural soccer at my school. Now because of these hobbies of mine, I was able to connect and relate to many wonderful people here that I would now consider some of my closest friends. Here at UC Merced, they try their best to help provide the right tools for you to succeed in any given field that you may want to study, so please do not hesitate to ask any questions. I will try to answer them as best as I can without taking too much of your time. Also, feel free to visit the school if you have the chance! You may just find that UC Merced is right for you. (All questions will be answered on my personal behalf and not by the school.) Show more


Live Video Chat

A complete 360º view of everything UC Merced from accepting and deciding which dorm to choose to preparing for graduation and deciding between multiple job offers and everything in between. I hope to provide clarity with my honest experience!

/ 10 min